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SMS History Report (Admin Center)

Usage and Access

The SMS History report lists details about SMS/MMS messages in a date range you specify. You can view the text and media (images, audio recordings, attached files, etc.) of each message in the report. 

Access the report from the Admin Center Menu>Reports>SMS History. The listed messages can be sorted and filtered by different parameters. 

SMS history records cannot be deleted! Also, be aware that all messages are listed separately even if they were sent or received from the same number on the same day and are grouped into one conversation in the TeleConsole.

Searching Messages

Select to search for messages by the phone number of the sender or recipient. You can also look for words and phrases in the messages.

Searching for user names is not supported! Instead, to find messages sent by specific user(s) you can use the Users filter.

Internal Messages

Internal messages that are exchanged between two users do not have a special icon for the direction column. Instead, internal messages are shown as two records  – one incoming and one outgoing, that were sent and received at the same time (see the time column in the example shown here).

For internal messages, it is preferable to instruct users to communicate with the Direct Chat feature because users' SMS lines are not activated by default and therefore messages may not be delivered properly.

Date Range

Clicking the Date range field will let you select a predefined date range – Today, Yesterday, Last Week, etc.

You can also select a custom date range and manually enter or modify the date or click to pick a start and end dates from a calendar. Use the arrows () to change the month. Click the month to change the year.

Managing Columns and Sorting

Data Columns

There are six data columns in the report providing details about each message. There is also a seventh column with a button to show the content of the message. 

Use the   button to display additional columns or hide existing ones. Use the Reset button to display all the columns (the default option).

The available data columns are:

  • User Sent: The name and extension of the user who sent the SMS/MMS message. But if the user was the recipient of the message the record for the message will say  "Incoming message".

  • Phone Number: This is the phone number of the user who either sent or received the SMS/MMS message.

  • Direction: This column shows for incoming messages (received by the user) or for outgoing messages (sent by the user).

  • Sender/Recipient: For outgoing messages (from users) it shows the phone number of the recipient of the message. For incoming messages (from external contacts) it shows the phone number of the sender of the message.

  • Time: The time and date the message was sent or recieved.

  • MediaThis column shows if the message contains media (images, audio recordings, attached files, etc.) or if it doesn't.

  • Message: Click the  icon to open a window showing both the text of the message and its media. Images will be shown in the window and audio messages can be played or downloaded. All other file attachments need to be downloaded to be viewed.

Sorting Columns

You can sort the report by the values of any column except for the Media and Message column (to find messages with media use the Tags>Contain Media filter.)

Click a column once to sort it in ascending order () and click it again to sort it in descending order ().

In the example shown here, the Direction column is sorted to show incoming calls first (sorting the User Sent column by descending order will show the same results or you can use the Direction filter).

When applicable, the system will display the results in chronological orer.


The filter toolbar can be shown or hidden with the   button. You can activate one or several filters to narrow down and refine the results shown in the report.

If the filter bar is hidden, the filter button will appear with a green dot (), when there are active filters applied, to remind you some report results are being filtered out.

Click a filter to display a drop-down list of relevant choices, check one or more filter items, and click Apply. You can also just click anywhere on the screen outside the filter to apply your choices.

Select on the title of an active filter or Clear when opening the filter to clear your selections or remove all filters at once by selecting Clear all.

Active filters display the first item you selected. That makes them wider and, on smaller screens, you may need to use the right or left arrows on each side of the filter toolbar to see filters that were shifted off-screen.

The available filters are:

  • Phone numbersFrom the list, select phone number(s), that are assigned as sms lines, to show report results for.
  • Users: Select system users, from the available list, to show report results for.

      It is possible to assign the same SMS line to different users, therefore filtering by Phone number and Users may not necessarily produce the same results.
  • Direction: Select to filter and show only Incoming or Outgoing messages.
  • Time of day: Use the two sliders to select an hour range, with 15-minutes intervals, to show report results for.

    • Tags: Select to filter and show only messages that Contain Media or to show only messages that (do) Not contain media.

    • Day of month/Day of week/Month of year: Use the button (additional filters) to access these three filters and select days or months within the time range to show report results for.